JFK Facts
  Kennedy's Throat Wound


            It is not clear exactly which was the first shot but it may have been the shot that caused Kennedy’s throat wound. This wound is shown in great detail in the Zapruder film.
            The doctors at Parkland hospital testified that Kennedy’s throat wound came from the front. They said it was a small round wound just below the Adam’s apple, between 3mm and 5mm.
         Since the Book Depository was behind the car, Life magazine claimed that Kennedy’s throat was struck in the front while he was turned to the rear. “...the President turning his body far around to the right as he waves to someone in the crowd. His throat is exposed- toward the sniper’s nest [in the Book Depository]- just before he clutches it.”  This is an outright lie. As anyone can see in the Zapruder film as the car emerges from behind a street sign Kennedy is facing forward and reaches in pain for his throat. This happens in frame 225. Note: The Warren Commission Concluded that all the shots occurred between frames 210 to 313, based on the foliage of a tree outside the Book Depository which blocked the shooter’s view. At no point in time during the Zapruder film was Kennedy ever turned around so he was facing the Book Depository.
            Why would Time Life pay $150,000 for the film and them spread misinformation about it? Time Life’s deliberate lie about what the Zapruder film showed has led many to accuse Time Life of aiding the government in its cover up.
The autopsy doctors initially concluded that the throat wound was not caused by a bullet, but by a surgical tracheotomy. When it was revealed that the wound was caused by a bullet, the doctors changed their story and told the Warren Commission that the throat wound was a wound of exit. They testified the wound was long and jagged, about 75mm (two 1/2 inches) in length. This greatly conflicts with the testimony of Parkland doctor Malcolm Perry. Perry said that his tracheotomy incision was only 30mm in length. 
            The House Select Committee on Assassinations’ alleged autopsy photos show the wound about 75mm in length.
            If the throat wound did come from behind as both government investigations concluded then this would necessitate a wound on the back of Kennedy’s neck. If this rear neck wound did exist, the Parkland doctors never saw it because they never had a chance to turn the body over.
            The autopsy doctors testified that they indeed found a rear entrance wound on the right side of Kennedy’s neck right where it met the shoulder. This is made very clear in Warren Commission sketches, exhibits 385, 386, and 388.
            The alleged autopsy photos contradict their testimony by placing the wound two inches down the right shoulder.
            Other evidence contradicts both of the government’s conclusions. The exact location of a possible rear neck or shoulder wound can be determined examining President Kennedy’s clothing. FBI exhibits 59 and 60 show Kennedy’s shirt and jacket. There is no hole on or around either the shirt’s or jacket’s collars. There is also no hole two inches down the right shoulder. The only holes in the clothing is 5 and 3/8 inches down from the collar. This is far too low to coincide with either the autopsy doctors’ testimony, or the alleged autopsy photos.
            Secret Service agent Clinton J. Hill was present for the autopsy and testified that the wound on the back was about 6 inches down from the neckline. “...I saw an opening in the back about 6 inches below the neckline to the right hand side of the spinal column.”
            The Zapruder film also contradicts the theory that the shot struck Kennedy in the back and the exited his throat. Kennedy appears to be struck in the back when he jerks forward violently in frame 256 after he reaches for his throat in frame 225. This proves that Kennedy was hit in the throat before he was shot in the back.
            Since the Parkland doctors all testified that Kennedy’s throat wound came from the front and both the autopsy doctors’ testimony and autopsy photos are contradicted by the lack of any holes in the clothing, it would be fair to conclude the throat wound came from the front. Since the grassy knoll is in front of the car and the Book Depository was behind, it would be fair to conclude the shot came from the grassy knoll.
Life:Life, 12/6/63.
Throat wound of entrance:Warren Report Appendix VII.
Autopsy doctors:Warren Report Vol.II p.347,376,377, Vol.XII p.373, Vol.XVII p.48, Appendix IX.
Perry:Warren Report Vol.III p.366 Vol.VI p.7.
Hill:Warren Report Vol.II p.132.
No hole in shirt colar or jacket:Warren Report Vol.XVII p.23-26, FBI Exhibits 59,60.
Humes admitted bullet found:HSCA Vol.I p.330, Vol. VII p.257.
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